

We are committed to maintaining your confidence and trust, 并据此维护以下网络隐私政策(本“政策”),以保护您在网上向我们提供的信息.


Saint Mary’s College of California (“Saint Mary’s,” “we,” “us,”或“我们的”)不会将您在访问我们的网站(stmarys-ca)时收集的信息分发或出售给第三方组织.edu), 除非您提交信息的表格或页面明确表明正在考虑进行此类销售或分销.  请进一步注意, as described in this Policy, that some components of our website are operated by third parties, and thus are subject to additional terms found in the policies of those third parties.  在这种情况下, there generally will be a link to the privacy policies of the third party, as described later in this Policy.

If you are in the European Union, 或者您的“个人数据”可能受欧盟一般数据保护条例(“GDPR”)的约束。, 您应该明白,我们将使用我们在美国的技术基础设施向您提供各种服务.  In order to fulfill our contract with you (if you are a visitor to our campus, 申请人, 一个学生, 一个员工, 校友, 一个捐献者, 一个志愿者, 一名教员, 受托人, and/or you are purchasing items from us online, 等.) we may need to transfer your “Personal Data” to the United States, and possibly to other jurisdictions outside of your home country, as necessary to provide these services.  类似的, if you are browsing our webpage, we may collect certain “Personal Data” about you (for example, your ISP address) in order to enhance our webpage, and your experience on our webpage.  在您浏览我们的网页时处理您的个人数据对我们的合法利益是必要的, 我们相信这些利益不会干涉你们的基本权利和自由.  “个人资料”一般指可用于识别自然人的任何信息.  For more information about how the GDPR affects you, 请按此.

If you have questions about this information, please contact privacy@shyayazuche.com


While you are using our website, we will only collect your information (such as your name, address, email or phone number) if you provide it voluntarily.  If you do not want this information to be 收集 by us, please do not submit it.  我们不会保留您的信息超过收集目的所需的时间 , or as otherwise indicated on the page or form on which it is 收集.  Information 收集 on shyayazuche.com可能在美国或我们(或任何服务提供商)设有设施的任何其他国家/地区存储和处理.  有关使用透过本网站所提交表格的资料的其他详情,可向提供有关表格的办事处或部门查询.

Web servers typically collect, 至少暂时如此, the following information: Internet Protocol (IP) address of computer being used; webpages requested; referring webpage; browser used; date and time.  圣玛丽可能会收集统计数据,以识别访问我们网站的特定IP地址, 但不使用此类方法试图获取任何个人身份信息.  We use this information solely for internal purposes, such as to improve shyayazuche.com and your browsing experience on shyayazuche.com.

Use of Collected Information

Saint Mary’s may use the information we collect on shyayazuche.com for future communications with you (i.e., in order to keep you informed of activities like certain programs and/or special events), but only if you are provided the opportunity to opt out of such communications.

We may use browser-IP-address information to report information about website access.  This information is used to improve your user experience of our website, and may also be used for troubleshooting purposes.
我们的一些网站页面可能会使用“cookie”,以便向个别用户提供特定的网页内容.  Personally identifying information (or “Personal Data”) is not stored within cookies.

我们的网站使用谷歌分析人口统计和兴趣报告(“谷歌分析”)来帮助我们了解, 在总, 的年龄, gender and interests of visitors to our webpage.  谷歌分析工具不会向我们透露您的姓名或其他识别信息.  进一步, 我们不会将通过使用谷歌分析收集的信息与任何可用于具体识别您的信息相结合.  The information received from Google Analytics is used only to improve shyayazuche.com, and the type of information displayed to shyayazuche.com visitors, so we can better serve those interested in Saint Mary’s.  You can prevent Google Analytics from recognizing you on return visits to shyayazuche.com by using Google Analytics’ Opt-out Browser Add-on, http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.

Distribution of Collected Information

Saint Mary’s generally will not disclose information 收集 about you, except for certain explicit circumstances in which disclosure is required by law.


Questions regarding users’ rights to review, modify or delete their previously provided information should be directed to privacy@shyayazuche.com.

Responsibility for External Sites

我们网站的某些部分由第三方维护或运营,我们已将此类维护和运营专门外包给第三方,以提供增强服务(例如, the athletic information site: smcgaels.com).  您应该通过访问这些单独网站内的链接来审查这些第三方的隐私政策, since their policies may differ from this Policy, and they may use the information consistent with their own policies.


圣玛丽的网站不适合13岁以下的儿童,也没有专门为13岁以下的儿童设立的区域.  尽管如此, 我们认识到,我们的网站可能是所有观众的普遍兴趣,我们鼓励家长协助他们的孩子,如果他们打算浏览我们的网站.  With respect to information about summer camps and summer programs, 所提供的信息仅供潜在符合条件的营员和项目参与者的家长和法定监护人使用.  圣玛丽要求任何表格或其他提交的回应这些计划是由父母或法定监护人,而不是孩子完成.  如果我们在未经家长同意的情况下收集或接收了13岁以下儿童的个人身份信息, it will not be used and we will promptly delete the information from our files.

Interactive Features (Facebook/Twitter/YouTube/LinkedIn/Instagram)

While we strive to protect users’ Personal Data, personally identifiable information, 和隐私, 我们无法保证您通过论坛等互动功能在网上披露的任何信息的隐私和/或安全, 留言板, 聊天室, or similar services (“Interactive Features”).  Please keep in mind when using Interactive Features through our website; you disclose information at your own risk that may be specifically designed to be visible to other users.  您应该知道,您选择通过互动功能提交的任何个人身份信息都可以被读取, 收集, and used by other individuals and/or entities, and could be used to send you unsolicited messages.  对于您在参与此类活动时选择提交的任何信息,我们概不负责.

We also may use Interactive Features and tools, including pixel tags added to this website, 允许将有关访问者行为的数据发送到互动功能,以跟踪转换,并允许我们为课程创建自定义受众, products or services we may advertise on these Interactive Features.  我们也可能将互动功能与我们为此目的收集的有关您的其他数据一起提供, 使用交互式功能的工具,这些工具允许在我们将电子邮件地址和电话号码等数据上传到任何交互式功能之前,在我们的系统上进行本地散列。.  The use of such data is governed by each Interactive Features’ applicable privacy policy.

Your Access to and Control Over Your Information

您可能有权访问圣玛丽收集的有关您的个人身份信息(与我们联系 privacy@shyayazuche.com 更多信息):

•    Opt out of any future contacts from us;
•    See what personally identifiable information we have about you, if any;
•改变, 正确的, or have us delete any personally identifiable information we have about you; and/or


如对本私隐政策有任何疑问或疑虑,请电邮至 privacy@shyayazuche.com or through the postal service at:

Office of College 通信 
P.O. 5165箱


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